Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baseball 2010

Hunter pitching

Chase at bat

Chase playing first base

Is that you Hunter?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reid and Mike did a great job on our kitchen

The new oven ..I love it.

Reid taking a break at the river the day he and Mike put down the my new counter top

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Fan Of Casita Coffee In Wickenburg, AZ. Wrote This On His Blog

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Casita Coffee by Canon.
About a mile west of Wickenburg on U.S. Highway 60, you can buy the best coffee in town. A courageous entrepreneur from the State of Washington has set up "Casita Coffee," a format popular in the Pacific Northwest, and is winning over java fans here on a daily basis.
At the "Casita" drive-thru coffee shop, the iced lattes are sublime -- as good as you can find. The price is right, there's a customer "thank you card" that earns you one free drink after you've paid for eight ... and the service is spectacular. This is recipe for success, I think.
Driving home the other night I stopped to get a shot of the Casita with my new Canon G 10. The results I like, and hope you do, too.
It was dusk, and the light was just where I wanted it to be. I set the camera in "Program" mode, opened the lens up an extra 1/2 stop, switched off the flash, then pulled the camera strap tight against the back of my neck to keep the G 10 steady.
Then squeezing the shutter down part-way 'til it focused on the Casita sign, I held it there, swung the camera to the store itself, and depressed the shutter the rest of the way. I wanted both the sign and the coffee shop to be in sharp focus. And I knew if I'd get the sign right first, then depth of field would accommodate sharp focus throughout the range.
I've made this my screen-saver for the next week or so .. until I take another foto I enjoy. Hope you like this one in the meantime.
Posted by Poppy H. at 1:51:00 PM 0 comments
